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Paper Title

Animal Human Intrusion Detection System in Agricultural Land

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | Page No : 143-148

Published On

November, 2019



The conflict takes many forms ranging from loss of life or injury to humans, and animals both wild and domesticated, to competition for scarce resources to loss and degradation of habitat. Invade of animals in the farmland cause great loss to farmers and also to the animal. The main aim of our project is to minimize and loss and conflict between the man and animal. The project uses image processing technique and embedded system . image processing technique is done using matlab which uses expectation maximisation for segmentation, statistical and glcm for feature extraction and classification is done using ANN classification is for finding empty land and presence of animal in the land. When the animal invade the agricultural land image is recorded and processed according to it result is serially sent to the controller broad from the control board a notification message is sent to the farmer regarding the entry of the animal in the farm land, buzzer sound and mild electric current is passed to the fence so that the animal will not come to the land and also land owner will take proper action for the animal to return in to the forest.

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