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Analysis of Factors Affecting the Customer’s Satisfaction with reference to ATM Services in Dhaka City


Professor Dr.
Professor Dr.
Lakkhan Chandra
Lakkhan Chandra

Published On: November, 2015

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: IOSR Journal of Business and Management

DOI: 10.9790/487X-171116875

Issue: 11 | Volume: 17 | Page No: 68-75


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This is an age of technology. Now, all types of organizations are adopting the modern technology for providing efficient services to the customers. This study is an attempt to find out the significant factors that affecting the customer's satisfaction in ATM (Automated Teller Machine) service in Dhaka city. The results of reliability test, factor analysis, and regression analysis focuses that cost of services of ATM, ATM network, security in transactions of ATM, location of ATM Centers, and maximum withdrawal limit per day are the most vital factors in customers satisfaction of ATM services. Finally it is evident from the study; overall 62% of the customers are satisfied by using ATM services in Dhaka city. Keywords: ATM, Customer satisfaction, Efficient service, Modern technology.


Professor Dr.
Professor Dr.
Lakkhan Chandra
Lakkhan Chandra

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