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An Empirical Study of Service Quality with special reference to Gender

Published On: December, 2018

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Research in Applied Management, Science & Technology

Issue: 4 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 1-15


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Service means doing work for the sake of another people. It has been paid or nonpaid both. Generally the term quality matters when service becomes paid service. But in hospitals prospective either it has paid or non-paid, has most important. One should come in hospital if service quality if that hospital has well. Perception of service quality of hospitals has gender biased both male and female have different perception towards quality of services offered the hospital. In this study expectations of male and female of two different cities Ahmedabad and Ujjain have been taken and analysed. The sample size is 300 in which 169 are male and 131 are female responded and the primary data is collected by a structured questionnaire.


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