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An Effective Priority-Based Resource Allocation Approach in Cloud Computing


Khyati Prajapati
Khyati Prajapati

Published On: January, 2020

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Page No: 597–603


A cloud environment provides resources to the requesters “on demand” and whenever required. This attracts many users nowadays to use various services provided by the Cloud providers. The resources can be scaled up and scaled down as per the user’s needs. So, it’s very important to make effective resources utilization for different service providers. As providers provide on-demand service for its resources, it’s very important to make allocation of resources very efficiently so that the maximum users need are satisfied with good quality of services. To achieve this high efficiency, we proposed an approach which not only consider the user’s service-related requirement but also consider the provider’s sides parameter like resources, free or loaded machines, time duration of allotment. By considering all these facts from both sides, we can say that this novel priority-based allocation approach make efficient allocation of resources to the requester based on their dynamic needs.


Khyati Prajapati
Khyati Prajapati