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Paper Title

An African Figitidæ

Article Type

Research Article


Journal:Psyche: A Journal of Entomology

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 26 | Issue : 6 | Page No : 162–163

Published On

January, 1919



Male and Female. Body entirely black, except the antennaeand legs, which are rufous-brown. Head: black, ocelli yellowish,compound eyes silvery; front concave, coriaceous, with a few,short, wavy lines, bounded laterally by prominent ridges extend-ing from the lateral ocelli to the base of the antennae and beyondhalf way to the mouth; lower half of face irregularly rugosostriate,hairy; cheeks hairy; mandibles dark rufous; antennae rufous-brown, darker toward the tips, in the 9 18-jointed, in the c? 14-jointed. Thorax: entirely black, finely coriaceous, the sides ofthe pronotum and the metapleure dense with white hairs; meso-pleurae with a large shining area; parapsidal grooves continuous,deep, cross-ridged, broad at the scutellum, curved sharply apartat the pronotum; a narrow, elevated median ridge extending fromthe pronotum half way to the scutellum; the depressed mediangroove from that point to the scutellum is two-thirds as wide asthe distance between parapsidals; anterior parallel lines smooth,elevated, extending half the length of the thorax; fovee very large,very deep, sparsely striate, with a fine, shallow ridge between; thespine of the scutellum about half the length of the whole scutellum,with 8 to 5 longitudinal ridges. Abdomen: piceous black, finelyand regularly punctate, the ndsegment dorsally about one-third the total length and reduced to a mere scale on the sides,8rd segment reaching almost to the tip of the abdomen; abdomenin the male similar but more slender. Legs: uniformly rufous-brown, including the coxe; with short hairs.

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