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Agricultural Progress in India at the Present Time

Published On: December, 2022

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Poonam Shodh Rachna

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14449.35682

Issue: XII | Volume: 1 | Page No: 39-44


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The agricultural sector provides the bulk of India's GDP. In India, About 22% of GDP comes from agriculture, while more than 65% of the inhabitants works directly in the agricultural industry. The significance of agriculture stems from the crucial supply and demand ties it has with industry. In the last five years, The agricultural sector has achieved tremendous achievements in the production and profitability of grain crops, oilseeds, cash crops, fruits, veggies, small grains, chicken, and dairy. Cashews and spices originate in India, and the country is also the world's number two producer of fruit and vegetable exports. Additionally, India has the world's largest milk production.


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