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Paper Title

A two-stage denoising framework for zero-shot learning with noisy labels


Panos M. Pardalos
Panos M. Pardalos
Long Tang
Long Tang
Pan Zhao
Pan Zhao
Zhigeng Pan
Zhigeng Pan
Xingxing Duan
Xingxing Duan

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 654 | Page No : 119852

Published On

January, 2024



Although zero-shot learning (ZSL) has gained widespread concern due to its excellent capacity of recognizing new object classes without seeing any visual instances, most existing methods assume that all seen-class instances used for training are correctly labeled. In some real application scenarios, when it comes to noisy labels, ZSL will inevitably suffer accuracy collapse. To address the issue, a two-stage denoising framework (TSDF) is proposed for ZSL in this work. First, an ZSL-oriented Joint training with co-regularization (JoCoR) is developed, which includes a tailored loss function that helps remove suspected noisy-label instances prior to training a ZSL model. Second, a ramp-style loss function is designed to reduce negative impact brought by the remaining noisy labels. In order to facilitate incorporating the ramp-style loss into deep-architecture based ZSL models, a matched dynamic screening strategy (DSS) is also developed. Unlike the traditional concave-convex procedure (CCCP) framework, DSS handles the nonconvexity of the ramp-style loss without requiring an additional iterative loop, demonstrating notable advantages in efficiency. In addition, DSS could work without a predetermined truncating point in the ramp-style loss. Experimental results show that our proposed method achieves exciting results in various noisy-label environments.

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