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Paper Title

A study to assess the knowledge regarding catheterization among staff nurses and nursing students in Narayana medical college hospital, Nellore

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 2 | Issue : Issue 10, Part E | Page No : 322-324

Published On

September, 2016



Introduction: Catheterization is performed as a sterile, medical procedure by trained, qualified personnel, using equipment designed for this purpose, except in the case of intermittent self catheterization, where patient have been trained to perform the procedure themselves. Urethral catheterization requires a physician’s order. The nurse must use strict aseptic technique. Organizing equipment before the procedure prevents interruptions. Apply all the nursing measures to induce urination before the catheterization of bladder. The main complications of urinary catheterization are ascending urinary tract infection, tissue trauma during the insertion of the catheter. Nursing staff plays an important role in delivering quality patient care. Methods: A Non-Experimental descriptive research was adopted for this study. The study was conducted in selected hospital, Nellore district. 30 samples were selected by using non probability convenience sampling technique. Structured questionnaire were used to assess the knowledge regarding catheterization among staff Nurses and Nursing students. Results: The study results shows that with regard to knowledge regarding catheterization among staff nurses, 5(33.3%) had inadequate knowledge, 7(46.7%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 3 (20%) had adequate knowledge, whereas in nursing students, 5(33.3%) had inadequate knowledge, 9(60%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 1 (6.7%) had adequate knowledge. Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of staff nurses and nursing students had inadequate knowledge regarding catheterization So there is a need to improve knowledge both by the student nurses and as well as staff nurses.

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