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Paper Title

a study on the impact of YouTube Vlogging on the purchase of electronic gadgets among the youth

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 85 | Issue : 18 | Page No : 126-131

Published On

May, 2024



Social media platforms have become one of the essential part of the consumers in sharing, searching, and commenting activities as they are engaged in online shopping. Video blog users, known as “Vloggers”, are also becoming influential figures who can influence consumers shopping related decisions. With the development of internet and social media, YouTube vlogging has been considered as an effective marketing tool to reach the potential customers by the marketers. YouTube content creators are used to communicate with the public using videos and podcasts. This paper focuses on exploring the YouTube vlogging factors and their influence on the purchase intention of electronic gadgets among the youth. Specifically, it studies the effect of information quality, source credibility, information usefulness, information adoption and familiarity on purchase intention of customers.

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