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A Study on Novel Omicron SARS-CoV2 conversion

Published On: April, 2023

Article Type: Research Article


Issue: 4 | Volume: 8 | Page No: 1747 - 1751


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Since SARS-initial COV-19's breakout in Wuhan city, the world has been battling various variations of the disease. Coronavirus is the cause of SARS-COV-19. As the day goes on, the corona virus mutates and evolves into a more contagious form than earlier iterations. Consequently, this article will give a general summary of SARS-COV-19. Then, many aspects of Omicron SARS-CoV-2 are examined, including the symptoms of Omicron variant, its effects, and preventative measures to control omicron. However, primary immunization reduces the COVID 19 vaccine's effectiveness against the Omicron form, demonstrating that the vaccine is less effective at preventing Omicron infections. However, the immune response to Omicron greatly improved and showed encouraging results after getting a booster dose of the vaccine. The rapid spread of Omicron and the elevated risk of re-infection present yet another significant public health concern, despite the fact that the disease is generally mild in those who have received vaccinations. Therefore, in order to slow the spread of Omicron, effort should be put into maintaining the current COVID 19 preventive measures as well as creating new vaccination plans. Key Words: Omicron1, Covid-19, Public Health Concern.


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