Similar to other animals, fish canal so suffer from various types of diseases. All fish carry pathogens and parasites. Usually this is at some cost to the fish, If the cost is sufficiently high, then the impact can be characterized as a disease. However, disease in fish is not understood well. What is known about fish disease after relates to aquaria fish and more recently to farmed fish. Fish can limit the impact of pathogen and parasites with behavioral or biochemical means and such fish have reproductive advantages. Interacting factors result in low grade infect ion becoming fatal diseases. In particular things that cause dress such as natural drought or pollution or predators can precipitate outbreak of disease. Fish are exposed from different environment pollutants including drugs and chemicals. The fish can also be infected or damaged by different pathogens micro-organisms or parasites The most common fish disease particularly in fresh water aquarium, include columnaris, gill disease, ick, dropsy ,tail and fin-rot fungal infections, white spot disease etc.
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