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Paper Title

A Review on Reconstruction Based Techniques for Privacy Preservation of Critical Data


Keyur Dodiya
Keyur Dodiya
Shruti Yagnik
Shruti Yagnik

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 5 | Issue : 3 | Page No : 145-148

Published On

November, 2013



The internet world today stands on the pillars of the security principles and Cryptography. It is very important to be able to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of critical data. In this paper we address the privacy preservation problem against unauthorized secondary use of information. To do so, we have tried to study the various data perturbation and Reconstruction Based Techniques which ensures that the mining process will not violate privacy up to a certain degree of security. This is done by Perturb ting the data and adding randomization and transforming the data through translating the data, rotating it and adding some noise.

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