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  • Low temperature combustion engine
  • premixed charged compression ignition
  • homogeneous charge compression ignition
  • reactivity-controlled compression ignition
  • internal combustion engine
  • pollution
  • emissions

Article Type

Review Article


Volume : 7 | Issue : 7 | Page No : 380-392

Published On

July, 2022



An internal combustion engine is the prime source of transportation throughout the world like trucks, buses, passenger cars, three-wheeler and two-wheelers. Due to the use of hydrocarbon fuels these IC engines produce lot of engine emission which ultimately create problems to the humans, living organisms and to the environment. The low temperature combustion strategyis likely to help in overcoming this problem and this can be achieved majorly through homogenously charged compression ignition, premixed charged compression ignition and reactivity-controlled compression ignition.The low temperature combustion engine is very effective and has special ability that can be used in place of conventionalinternal combustion engine. The low temperature combustion engine has more than 50% thermal efficiency,reduce fuel consumption and reduce engine emissions level below EROU VI.However, low temperature combustion engines are suffered from some disadvantages such as low control over combustion, low load capacity, cycle-to-cycle variation in combustion, etc. Among all variants of low temperature combustion engine, reactivity-controlled compression ignition has an upper hand due to its number of advantages over others. The reactivity-controlled compression ignition can operate at different loads, use alternate fuels effectively, produce lower emissions, have lower cycle to cycle variations etc. However more research is required to make them commercially viable.

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