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Review Article

Published On

June, 2024



Now a days the depression and mental disorders. and abnormalities angriness in children’s as well as in teen ages is in the higher pick Problems of anger, irritability, Stubbornness are increasing in Children. when children get angry they take over the house and if they want same thing they inside on it .no matter how much you explain they don't Listen. Most of the parents make such a complaint. In such a situation taking care of children become a challenge for parents such problems are seen in children due to reasons such as indoor and outdoor environment, child's health problem, mobile phone addiction etc. In such a situation psychologist have advised that the child should find out the reason why he is angry. What has made him stubborn and give time to the children to communicate with them as an important public health issue. Childhood depression deserves special attention. Childhood depression converge to directly to indirectly highlight the negative impact of depression disorder to the children's quality of life

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