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Paper Title

A retrospective review on importance and various preparation of low molecular weight heparin for cardio vascular diseases

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 9 | Issue : 4 | Page No : 188-195

Published On

December, 2022



Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) are most importantly used in the clinical practice for cardio vascular diseases from 1990. The LMWH was a sulfated polysaccharide obtained from animal sources and some in natural especially from marine sources. The actual anticoagulant has the molecular weight about 25000 Daltons which have bleeding as side effect in the cardiovascular diseases. The LMWH are prepared by enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis the length of the heparin chain is reduced and also in same manner the molecular weight also reduced below 10000 Daltons. So, it has main advantage to reduce the bleeding in the cardiovascular diseases. The LMWH eliminated through the renal and it was not given to the patients with renal dysfunction. The LMWH of some product are still in clinical trials in order to reduce its side effects. The commercial LMWH preparation has concentrated in animal sources by killing them and lungs, intestine etc are used to prepare heparin. Here the alternate sources are discussed in order from killing the animal. This review summarizes the importance, difference between commercial heparin and LMWH, mechanism, preparation, LMWH products, clinical trials and LMWH from marine sources, Enzymatic degradation in shrimp species, Preparation of LMW heparin by chemically modified Fractions, Chromatography separation of LMW Heparin are discussed in this review.

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