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A Novel Mathematical Approach for Formulating High-Quality Dazeless Depth Map using Weighted Guided Image Filter

Published On: July, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Moenia

DOI: 10.37896/MOENIA10.7/303

Issue: 7 | Volume: 10 | Page No: 13-18


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The atmosphere scattering affects captured images under haze and hazy climate condition, resulting in blurred and partially white and gray colors. In this weather, the inconvenience caused by the video surveillance system has increased the importance of studying a dehazing algorithm. Our proposed algorithm is based on the calculation of depth map using HSV color space image. The main contribution of our study lies in determining the air light value.The algorithm analyzes the physical imaging process in hazy weather and derives an approximate spread by using a prior dark filter. In addition, we introduce a new technique for enhancing local contrast, which makes the algorithm more efficient compared with other algorithms. The quality of dehazed images is visually impressive compared toconventional approaches. The execution time is a prominent factor as the process of combining pixel-wise constraints with spatial continuities is time consuming. However, the algorithm proposed has a reduced execution time. By using the fast guided filter, the speed of the algorithm is increased, thereby improve the adaptability.


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