Human Learning Optimization (HLO) is a simple yet powerful meta-heuristic developed based on a simplified human learning model. Many cognitive activities of humans contain an element of reasoning, and with reasoning, humans can gain deeper information on problems to boost learning performance. Inspired by this fact, this paper proposes a novel human learning optimization algorithm with reasoning learning (HLORL), in which a social reasoning learning operator (SRLO) is developed by using multiple social information sources to improve the global search ability of the algorithm. A parameter study is performed to give the recommended values of the control parameters. It also analyzes and discusses the role and function of the social reasoning learning operator. Finally, the proposed HLORL is applied to solve the CEC14 benchmark functions and 0-1 knapsack problems. The performance of HLORL is compared with the previous HLO variants and other state-of-art meta-heuristics. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed HLORL has significant advantages over the compared algorithms.
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