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A Generic Watermarking Model for Object Relational Databases


Shampa Chakraverty
Shampa Chakraverty

Published On: July, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications

DOI: 10.1007/s11042-019-07932-3

Volume: 78 | Page No: 28111-28135


Object-Relational Databases have been implemented largely and thus, there is urgent need to protect them from potential misuse. Digital watermarking is considered as technological protection measure that deters the attempts to plagiarize or distort databases. Prior work focused primarily on protection of Relational Databases by digital watermarking. However, Object-Relational Databases seem to have escaped the attention of researchers. In this research work, we propose the framework for a novel, generic watermarking technique for ORDBs with a view to incorporate Ownership and Integrity protection. The software developed on the basis of this model is called WORD – Watermarking Object Relational Databases. To the best of our knowledge, this is for the first time that a complete model for watermarking ORDBs has been developed. To deal with changing security aspects with time, strategy pattern is adopted while implementing the watermarking model WORD. The use of strategy pattern designs incorporates flexibility and scalability in our model. Robustness and integrity of proposed system has been proved theoretically as well as practically by various experiments.


Shampa Chakraverty
Shampa Chakraverty