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A Comprehensive Exploration of Punarnava's (Boerhavia diffusa) Ethnomedicinal, Therapeutic, and Traditional Applications”

Published On: January, 1970

Article Type: Research Article

DOI: 10.20959/wjpps202311-25941


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Boerhavia diffusa, commonly known as "Punarnava," is a medicinal plant deeply rooted in traditional systems of medicine across various cultures. This research explores the ethnomedicinal, therapeutic, and traditional applications of Boerhavia diffusa in healthcare practices. Drawing upon a wide range of ethnobotanical and pharmacological literature, this abstract highlights the plant's historical usage and its relevance in contemporary health management. Boerhavia diffusa has been traditionally employed as a remedy for diverse health conditions, including inflammation, renal disorders, cardiovascular ailments, and digestive issues. The plant's bioactive constituents, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and triterpenoids, contribute to its therapeutic properties. Traditional healers and practitioners in different regions have harnessed the plant's diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial attributes. The utilization of Boerhavia diffusa in traditional healing practices is often rooted in its ability to support organ function and maintain overall health and wellness. Modern scientific research has begun to corroborate the traditional wisdom surrounding Boerhavia diffusa. Studies have demonstrated its potential to alleviate oxidative stress, regulate inflammatory pathways, and offer renoprotective effects. The plant's mechanisms of action include modulation of cytokines, inhibition of reactive oxygen species, and preservation of renal integrity. In conclusion, Boerhavia diffusa stands as an exemplar of the synthesis between ethnomedicinal wisdom and modern scientific inquiry. Its multifaceted therapeutic properties, rooted in centuries of traditional use, hold promise for the development of novel treatments and interventions. However, further research is warranted to elucidate its mechanisms comprehensively and translate its potential into evidence-based medical practices.

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