Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections worldwide, being in both community and healthcare settings. Although the clinical symptoms of UTIs are miscellaneous and range from uncomplicated (uUTIs) to complicated (cUTIs), utmost UTIs are generally treated empirically. Bacteria are the main causative agents of these infections, although more infrequently, other microorganisms, similar to fungi and some contagions, have been reported to be responsible for UTIs. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the most common causative agent for both uUTIs and cUTIs, followed by other pathogenic microorganisms, similar as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus spp. In addition, the prevalence of UTIs caused by multidrug resistance (MDR) is adding, performing in a significant increase in the spread of antibiotic resistance and the profitable burden of these infections. Then, we bandy the colourful factors associated with UTIs, including the mechanisms of pathogenicity related to the bacteria that beget UTIs and the emergence of adding resistance in UTI pathogens. This article reviews various types of UTIs, including their clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment approaches, and highlights the role of homeopathy along with preventive and social determinants. Keywords: uropathogens; acridity factors; pathogenesis; antibiotic resistance; homeopathy; causticum; pulsatilla pratensis; cantharis; nux vomica; sarsaparilla; aconitum napellus; apis mellifica; belladonna; berberis vulgaris; borax; chimaphila umbellata; clematis; equisetum; lycopodium; sepia; staphysagaria.
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