Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council
The Journal of Community Health Nursing is an Official publication of the TNNMC(Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council). This scientific journal is peer reviewed and published bi-annually. The aim of this journal is to publish quality research work and review contents which are relevant and applicable to the broad field of Nursing and Midwifery with specific focus on Community and Public health Nursing. The Journal of Community Health Nursing focuses on the innovations in all aspects of community practice, home health nursing, clinics, hospices, education and public administration. The journal also provides practical and the latest up dated information to the community nurses which would make a way forward for care decisions and enhance the problem solving practices for community nurses as the primary care provider who is lone carer without any support system. The Journal of community Health Nursing publishes articles in areas related but not limited to: • Population Health • Family Health Nursing • Primary health care • Social and Preventive Medicine • Occupational Health • School Health • Mental Health • Adolescent Health • Communicable Diseases • Non Communicable Diseases • Women’s Health • Child Health • Disaster Nursing • Environmental Health • AYUSH The journal is a healthy platform for academicians, researchers to share, explore and exchange their knowledge base and on the whole to boast the professional image.
Fever, one of the most common presenting complaints, is being the reason for health visits in about 70% of pediatric age group. Parents frequently perceive fever as a disease rather than a s...
T O O L M I D Y E A R P D Z P I N C I D E N C E R F H M R C C I H P A R G O M E D T O P L D O S F N B R L X X W P R M A A K M A Y H P P K Y O E T Y R I T B M \K G E P P S I C A O U O R O Y U...
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