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The Russian Journal of Cardiology is the official press organ of the Russian Society of Cardiology (RSCO), a scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal. Editor-in-Chief: Shlyakhto E.V., President of the RSCO, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Director of the Almazov National Medical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Saint Petersburg, Russia. This is a scientific and practical, peer-reviewed journal for cardiologists and therapists. The main focus of the publication is scientific articles devoted to original and experimental research, issues of pharmacotherapy and cardiac surgery of cardiovascular diseases, new diagnostic methods. The Russian Journal of Cardiology has been published since 1996, is included in the list of publications recommended for the publication of articles containing dissertation materials (Higher Attestation Commission), is included in Scopus, DOAJ and the Russian Science Citation Index (core), and is registered in the Club of Chief Editors of Scientific Journals of the European Society of Cardiology. Science Index (2023) 9.294 (5th percentile, 7th place in the Medicine and Healthcare ranking) Impact Factor (2023) 1.799 Scopus 2.2 (38th percentile, Q3 in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine)
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