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Physics of Life Reviews (PLR)

Publisher :


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Science
  • Physics
  • +4

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Impact Factor :


p-ISSN :


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Netherlands The





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Journal Descriptions

Physics of Life Reviews is an international journal appearing quarterly, that publishes review articles on physics of living systems, complex phenomena in biological systems, and related fields of artificial life, robotics, mathematical bio-semiotics, and artificial intelligent systems. This journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, addressing all living systems from molecules to populations and from genetics to mind and artificial systems modeling these phenomena. The journal invites reviews from actively working researchers, which are broad in scope, critical, accessible to our wide readership and addresses sometimes controversial accounts of recent progress and problems. Physics of Life Reviews intends to keep the active researcher abreast of developments on a wide range of topics by publishing timely reviews, which are more than mere literature surveys but normally less than a full monograph. Although most of the reviews will be of a specialist nature, each review should contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist and to inspire and facilitate interdisciplinary research. "Physics" in the journal name refers to the methodology unifying all areas of physics: (1) elucidating fundamental principles, (2) developing a mathematical model, (3) making experimentally verifiable predictions. We seek reviews aspiring to this universal paradigm.

Physics of Life Reviews (PLR) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Physics, Biological Sciences, Astronomy, Agricultural Sciences, Biophysics , Online or Print, Quarterly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 1571-0645, E-ISSN - 1873-1457, Established in - 2004, Impact Factor - 11.7

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus

Not indexed in WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE


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