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Nature Reviews Genetics aims to be the premier source of reviews and commentaries for the scientific communities we serve. We strive to publish articles that are authoritative, accessible and enhanced with clearly understandable figures, tables and other display items. We want to provide an unparalleled service to authors, referees and readers, and we work hard to maximize the usefulness and impact of each article. The journal publishes Research Highlights, Comments, Reviews and Perspectives relevant to geneticists and genomicists, with our broad scope ensuring that the articles we publish reach the widest possible audience. To an extent, all life scientists are geneticists because genetic technology and the accumulation of genomic information have enriched all of biology. You may or may not call yourself a geneticist, but if you work on or with genes you need to know about the latest developments. Nature Reviews Genetics covers the full scientific breadth of modern genetics, capturing its excitement, diversity and implications.
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