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MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences (MOJES)

Publisher :

MedCrave Group

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • ecology
  • environmental science
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Role In Research Journal

Professor Kartlos Joseph Kachiashvili
Asif Iqbal


Journal Descriptions

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences (MOJES) is an internationally acclaimed peer-reviewed open access journal. This journal publishes a broad array of research that includes ecosystem ecology, oceanography, environmental chemistry, atmospheric science, zoology, biogeochemistry; inclusive of descriptive, comparative, experimental, mathematical, statistical, and interdisciplinary approaches. MOJES is pleased to accept quality research, review, short communications, opinions which can illuminate the society on our ecosystem and all the resolutions for the environmental hazards worldwide.

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences (MOJES) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, ecology, environmental science , Online Bi-Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN , E-ISSN - 2573-2919, Established in - 2016, Impact Factor

Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of MOJES

A quick review on the applications of nanomaterials as adsorbents

Urbanization and Industrialization have led to release of higher heavy metals amounts into the atmosphere especially aqueous regions. Heavy metals contaminations of potable water have become...

  • dott image January, 1970

Applications of nanomaterials for health and environment protection

Nanomaterials have been reported to be useful for synthesizing several kinds of nanomaterials which show diverse advantages. The remarkable developments in nanotechnology and the crucial nee...

A review on particulate matter and heavy metal emissions; impacts on the environment, detection techniques and control strategies

Population growth, Urbanization and Industrialization created many social economic environmental and health issues for Pakistan. Industries are major sources of environmental pollution speci...

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