SAGE Publications
United Kingdom
English, Multi-lingual
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Language Testing is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes original research on foreign, second, additional, and bi-/multi-/trans-lingual (henceforth collectively called L2) language testing, assessment, and evaluation. Since 1984 it has featured high impact L2 testing papers covering theoretical issues, empirical studies, and reviews. The journal's scope encompasses the testing, assessment, and evaluation of spoken and signed languages being learned as L2s by children and adults, and the use of tests as research and evaluation tools that are used to provide information on the language knowledge and language performance abilities of L2 learners. Many articles also contribute to methodological innovation and the practical improvement of L2 testing internationally. In addition, the journal publishes submissions that deal with L2 testing policy issues, including the use of tests for making high-stakes decisions about L2 learners in fields as diverse as education, employment, and international mobility. The journal welcomes the submission of papers that deal with ethical and philosophical issues in L2 testing, as well as issues centering on L2 test design, validation, and technical matters. Also of concern is research into the washback and impact of L2 language test use, the consequences of testing on L2 learner groups, and ground-breaking uses of assessments for L2 learning. Additionally, the journal wishes to publish replication studies that help to embed and extend knowledge of generalisable findings in the field. Language Testing is committed to encouraging interdisciplinary research, and is keen to receive submissions which draw on current theory and methodology from different areas within second language acquisition, applied linguistics, educational measurement, psycholinguistics, general education, psychology, cognitive science, language policy, and other relevant subdisciplines that interface with language testing and assessment. Authors are encouraged to adhere to Open Science Initiatives.
C-tests are gap-filling tests mainly used as rough and economical measures of second-language proficiency for placement and research purposes. A C-test usually consists of several short inde...
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