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The Journal of Molecular Structure is dedicated to the publication of full-length articles and review papers, providing important new structural information on all types of chemical species including: • Stable and unstable molecules in all types of environments (vapour, molecular beam, liquid, solution, liquid crystal, solid state, matrix-isolated, surface-absorbed etc.) • Chemical intermediates • Molecules in excited states • Biological molecules • Polymers. The methods used may include any combination of spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic techniques, for example: • Infrared spectroscopy (mid, far, near) • Raman spectroscopy and non-linear Raman methods (CARS, etc.) • Electronic absorption spectroscopy • Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism • Fluorescence and phosphorescence techniques • Electron spectroscopies (PES, XPS), EXAFS, etc. • Microwave spectroscopy • Electron diffraction • NMR and ESR spectroscopies • Mössbauer spectroscopy • X-ray crystallography • Charge Density Analyses • Computational Studies (supplementing experimental methods) We encourage publications combining theoretical and experimental approaches. The structural insights gained by the studies should be correlated with the properties, activity and/ or reactivity of the molecule under investigation and the relevance of this molecule and its implications should be discussed.
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