European Society of Evolutionary Biology
United Kingdom
European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Wiley-Blackwell
The Journal of Evolutionary Biology (JEB) is a peer-reviewed, international journal owned by the European Society of Evolutionary Biology. We are seeking to publish articles that advance our understanding of the evolutionary process and are of interest to a broad evolutionary readership. As such, we will prioritise robust and well-executed studies that ask novel questions and/or provide new insights, generalisable across taxonomic groups. We are happy to publish negative results as long as these provide robust new findings, but will not normally publish studies that replicate previous results in the same or different taxa (unless doing so provides genuinely novel insights). We consider submissions describing research from across the field of evolutionary biology, including evolutionary genetics and genomics, molecular evolution and phylogenetics, life histories, evolutionary ecology, development or morphology. We cover both micro- and macro-evolution, as well as empirical, computational and theoretical work. All articles are published in English. We are conscious of the additional effort and obstacles that this imposes on many non-native speakers. As long as the meaning is clear, we are happy to accept submissions of articles whose phrasing reflects the local origin of the authors. Although we are working on solutions, we are currently unable to accept manuscripts that would require significant language editing in order to be peer-reviewed and subsequently publishable.
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