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Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)

Publisher :

Elsevier Ltd.

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Geography
  • Planning
  • Renewable Energy
  • +7

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Country :

United Kingdom

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Journal Descriptions

The Journal of Environmental Management (JEM) is a premier, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding and application of environmental management practices. Our mission is to disseminate high-quality, original research that contributes to the effective management of environmental systems and the enhancement of environmental quality. Environmental management encompasses the systematic approach to dealing with environmental issues through planning, controlling, monitoring, and improving the interactions between human activities and the natural environment. This includes strategies for sustainable use of resources, pollution control, conservation of biodiversity, and mitigation of environmental impacts. We invite submissions that demonstrate a clear connection to practical environmental management applications with interest, novelty, and impact relevant to an international audience. This section covers methodologies and techniques for environmental analysis and assessment, including environmental impact assessments, risk assessments, life cycle analyses, and the development of new procedures for environmental quality management. It also includes research on environmental system modeling and optimization.

Journal of Environmental Management (JEM) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Geography, Planning, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Management, Monitoring, Pollution, Ecology, Waste Management, Disposal , Online or Print, Semi-monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0301-4797, E-ISSN - 1095-8630, Established in - 1973, Impact Factor - 8.0

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of JEM

Conversion of food and kitchen waste to value-added products

Food and kitchen waste - omnipresent in every corner of the world serve as an excellent source of value added products owing to high organic content. Regardless of existence of various tradi...

A critical review on textile wastewater treatments: Possible approaches

Waste water is a major environmental impediment for the growth of the textile industry besides the other minor issues like solid waste and resource waste management. Textile industry uses ma...

  • dott image Preeti Chidambar Sangave
  • dott image July, 2006

Ultrasound and enzyme assisted biodegradation of distillery wastewater

Irradiation with ultrasound (US) and use of an enzyme (E) as pretreatment techniques were carried out to treat a complex effluent (distillery wastewater). These two techniques have been used...

  • dott image Preeti Chidambar Sangave
  • dott image January, 2006

Enhancement in biodegradability of distillery wastewater using enzymatic pretreatment

A combined treatment technique consisting of enzymatic hydrolysis, followed by aerobic biological oxidation was investigated for the treatment of alcohol distillery spent wash. The enzyme ce...

  • dott image March, 2011

Comparison of acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation based hybrid AOPs for COD reduction of commercial effluent from CETP

The present work investigates the treatment of commercial effluent obtained from Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP) using acoustic cavitation (AC) and hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) based...

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