World Scientific
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Religious thought and practice, throughout the world and spanning centuries, is deeply connected with the core ideas that now constitute the academic disciplines of Economics and Management. Yet, there is still relatively little modern research on various aspects of this fundamental relationship.The Journal of Economics, Management and Religion (JEMAR) is the first academic journal specifically dedicated to exploring the Economics, Management and Religion nexus using state-of-the-art research methodologies. Original theoretical, empirical, experimental and historical analyses are all welcome, as long as the religion element of the study is substantially integrated with important ideas in Economics or Management. JEMAR also invites reviews of recent books that overlap with the topics of key interest to the journal's readership.Although the focus of the journal is research at the interface of the role of religion in Economics and Management, submissions from researchers in all related academic disciplines, including sociology, political science, psychology, finance, marketing and law are highly encouraged. Submissions are suitable if they are relevant to the focus of the journal and meet the highest standards of academic rigor and scientific merit.
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