World Scientific
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Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry (JCBC) is an interdisciplinary journal aimed at providing comprehensive coverage on the latest developments and applications of research in the ever-expanding field of computational biophysics and chemistry. JCBC publishes regular articles and reviews on new methodology, software, web server and database developments. The applications of existing theoretical and computational methods which produce significant new insights into important problems are also welcomed. Papers reporting joint computational and experimental investigations are encouraged. The journal will not consider manuscripts reporting straightforward calculations of the properties of molecules with existing software packages without addressing a significant scientific problem. Areas covered by the journal include molecular dynamics, computer-aided molecular design, modeling effects of mutations on stability, dynamics and binding of macromolecules, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics studies on relevant biological phenomena and other related topics. The journal also encourages submission of papers that use or develop artificial intelligence methods to address important questions from biophysics and chemistry.
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