Krishi Sanskriti Publications
Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER) (Print ISSN: 2350-0 077; Online 2350- 0255) is a quarterly international open access journal of the Krishi Sanskriti Publications (, engaged in publication of research articles for academic and economic development of the society with special emphasis on integrating industry and academia. The journal JBAER is de voted to publication of original research on various aspects of basic and applied engineering including the scientific leads in the formative stage which has a promise for a pragmatic application. The scopes of t he journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields: mechanical, aeronautic al, astronomy/astrology, automobile, textile, mining, metallurgical, material science, nanoscience/nanotechnology, civil, environmental, electrical, electronics, information technology, computer science, chemical, physical, mathematics, statistical and geological and so on. Publication is open to all researchers from all over the world. Manuscripts to be submitted to the Journal must represent original re search reports and has not been submitted elsewhere prior to or after sub mission to this journal for publication. All the manuscripts sub mitted for consideration in JBAER is subject to peer -review for taking up final decision on acceptance for publication, and decision of the editorial team will be final.
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