World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Programme (NARP)
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The aim of the JASEM is to communicate innovations and discoveries from primary research, reviews articles, case studies and short communications in a timely manner for the benefit of humanity through scholarly publications globally. The journal publishes original research findings, review articles; case studies and short communications from pure and applied sciences, basic medical sciences, medicine and dentistry, allied health sciences and health technology, veterinary medicine and technology, all aspect of engineering and technology, agriculture & agricultural practices, forestry & wildlife science and management, geography & environmental management, brewing science & technology, environmental management & toxicology, forensic science & technology, military science & technology, architecture, computer science & computing technology, food and nutritional sciences, marine science & technology, maritime & naval science, water pollution, air pollution, atmospheric science, ocean science, consumer products, industrial & agricultural chemicals, agricultural extension services and management, pharmacy & pharmaceutical science and technology; pharmaceutical products, nursing science and care-giving; dental technology, safety, security & biotechnology, environmental contamination and toxicology. Studies addressing the physiological, anatomical, biochemical, biomedical and pathological changes produced by specific substances, techniques for assessing potential toxicity, and all aspects of in-vivo and in-vitro toxicology are covered.
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