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International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC)

Publisher :

Emerald Publishing Limited

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Information management
  • knowledge management
  • communications technology
  • +2

e-ISSN :


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p-ISSN :


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Country :

United Kingdom

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Impact Factor Assignee :

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Journal Descriptions

International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC) is multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary vehicle to discuss the future where computers and computing devices will be available naturally and unobtrusively everywhere, anytime, and by different means in our daily living, working, learning, business, infotainment environments. Tremendous opportunities exist for novel services/applications that are more immersive, more intelligent, and more interactive in both real and cyber spaces. IJPCC is thus a premier channel to share research in the emerging field of pervasive computing and communications including future directions and issues. Its published research includes: experimental or theoretical results, novel algorithms, design methodologies, work-in-progress, experiences, case studies, and trend-setting ideas.

International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Information management, knowledge management, communications technology, COMPUTER SCIENCE, Mathematics , Online or Print, Quarterly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 1742-7371, E-ISSN - 1742-738X, Established in - 2005, Impact Factor

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, WoS

Not indexed in DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of IJPCC

  • dott image Parita Shah
  • dott image June, 2022

IIBES: a proposed framework to improve the identity-based encryption system for securing federated learning

In the field of cryptography, authentication, secrecy and identification can be accomplished by use of secret keys for any computer-based system. The need to acquire certificates endorsed th...

  • dott image Sharnil Pandya
  • dott image August, 2020

Smart epidemic tunnel: IoT-based sensor-fusion assistive technology for COVID-19 disinfection

Purpose The purpose of the presented IoT based sensor-fusion assistive technology for COVID-19 disinfection termed as “Smart epidemic tunnel” is to protect an individual using an automa...

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