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The International Journal of Herbal Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal. The prime focus of the journal is to publish articles related to the current trends in research. This journal provides a platform with the aim of motivating students and personnel in Botany and Phytochemistry Research and Development. The International Journal of Herbal Medicine considers review and research articles related to: Botany, Medicinal Plant Research, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Ayurveda, Natural chemistry, Agriculture Science, Unani Medicine, Biotechnology and Biochemistry. The purpose of the journal is to publish original research work that contributes significantly to furthering scientific knowledge in the field of medicinal plant studies. Your views and comments will be highly acclaimed. Authors can send their articles to flora.manuscript@gmail.com. All manuscripts are subjected to a RAPID peer review process and those of high quality (which have not previously published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay in subsequent issues. Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within one week or earlier.
Kerala is blessed with a neutral atmosphere. The State has usually two rainy seasons viz. the Southwest monsoon that attains near the end of May or early June, which is known as edavapathi a...
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