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IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering aims to foster the healthcare systems community by publishing high quality papers that have a strong methodological focus and direct applicability to healthcare systems. Published quarterly, the journal supports research that explores: · Healthcare Operations Management · Medical Decision Making · Socio-Technical Systems Analysis related to healthcare · Quality Engineering · Healthcare Informatics · Healthcare Policy We are looking forward to accepting submissions that document the development and use of industrial and systems engineering tools and techniques including: · Healthcare operations research · Healthcare statistics · Healthcare information systems · Healthcare work measurement · Human factors/ergonomics applied to healthcare systems Research that explores the integration of these tools and techniques with those from other engineering and medical disciplines are also featured. We encourage the submission of clinical notes, or practice notes, to show the impact of contributions that will be published. We also encourage authors to collect an impact statement from their clinical partners to show the impact of research in the clinical practices. Our peer review process is operated by independent, anonymous expert referees, Visit our Instructions for Authors page for information on preparing your manuscript. Author benefits IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering is an official journal of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers meaning your research will be available to all their members. The prestigious and experienced members of our international Editorial Board will guide you from submission to publication Our Author Services page provides you with tips and tricks to promote your research on social media and through your network. This includes 50 free e-prints to share with anyone you wish.
Operations research and optimization in healthcare and disease modeling have received significant attention in the last three decades. This article surveys several perspectives of operations...
Operations research and optimization in healthcare and disease modeling have received significant attention in the last three decades. This article surveys several perspectives of operations...
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