European Ecocycles Society
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As the pioneering peer-reviewed Open Access journal in the realm of ecological cycles, ECOCYCLES is committed to offering a distinguished platform for scientists worldwide. Here, researchers can disseminate and collaborate on cutting-edge findings spanning diverse dimensions of ecology, including social, economic, geological, and environmental aspects. ECOCYCLES (ISSN 2416-2140, DOI 10.19040/ecocycles) is the first Open Access, fully refereed academic periodical in its field. The journal's primary goal is to offer a significant medium for scientists to present and discuss their newest findings from research on all aspects (social, economic, geological, environmental, etc.) of ecological cycles. Ecological cycles are the various self-regulating processes that recycle the earth's limited resources - water, carbon, nitrogen, and other elements - that are essential to sustain life. The Eco Cycle strategy is based on these processes and is aimed at bringing about a society with non-toxic and resource-efficient cycles. Understanding how local cycles fit into global cycles is essential to make the best possible management decisions to maintain ecosystem health and productivity for now and the future. The European Ecocycles Society has been created by researchers studying these cycles, and the goal of this journal is to publish scientific results in this field.
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