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ComFin Research (CR)

Publisher :

Shanlax Journals

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
Scopus Profile
Open Access
  • Commerce
e-ISSN :


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Journal Descriptions

ComFin Research is an open-access journal published by Shanlax Journals and purpose of promoting by the interest of the blooming and prospective writers. ComFin Research aims to break the regional barrier and like to publish articles coming from professionals / academicians from outside India. We aim to introduce international issues and challenges to our readers, academicians, and researchers. Journal's ultimate aim is knowledge sharing. Within this aim, the journal gives its focus on research and conceptual view points. For this purpose, it accepts applied, interdisciplinary, history of thought, and methodological work, with a strong emphasis on realistic analysis, the development of critical perspectives, the provision and use of empirical evidence, and the construction of policy. ComFin Research likes to give an exposure to the researchers pursuing their investigations for their doctorate and share their research findings and knowledge in a broader sense.

ComFin Research (CR) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Commerce , Online Quarterly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN , E-ISSN - 2582-6190, Established in - 2013, Impact Factor

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of CR

  • dott image October, 2023

Awareness about Climate Change among Students: A Sustainable Future

Climate change is a pressing global challenge that demands immediate attention and collective action. This study aims to assess the level of awareness about climate change among students and...

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