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Bioresource Technology Reports is an online-only rapid-publication journal focused on the fundamentals, applications and management of bioresource technology. Like its companion journal, Bioresource Technology, Bioresource Technology Reports' mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all the related areas of bioenergy, biotransformations and bioresource systems analysis, and technologies associated with conversion or production. Bioresource Technology Reports publishes original articles, review articles, case studies and short communications. Alongside welcoming direct submissions, the journal will benefit from an Article Transfer Service which will allow the author(s) to transfer their manuscript online from Bioresource Technology thus saving authors time and effort spent on formatting and resubmitting. Papers may be suggested for transfer from Bioresource Technology to Bioresource Technology Reports if they have a very strong applied element or are more focussed on a particular area. Bioresource Technology Reports will also be more considerate of papers with preliminary findings at an earlier stage of the research cycle, but these papers must be considered important for the scientific literature, to improve the replicability and scalability of the fundamental research. Bioresource Technology Reports offers the community an innovative, efficient and flexible route for the publication of scientifically and ethically sound articles which advance the field of bioresource technology. Our highly experienced and well-respected editorial team ensures that all papers are promptly, rigorously and fairly peer-reviewed by the experts in the field.
Even though the search for alternative fuels from lignocellulosic biomass started a few decades ago, still it is relatively immature mainly because of few challenges which are yet to be solv...
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