Taylor and Francis Ltd.
United States
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Bioengineered is a fully open access, multi-disciplinary journal covering bioengineering and biotechnology, focusing on fundamental and advance sciences. The journal welcomes manuscripts with a techno-socio-economic focus on the use of biotechnology for food, pharmaceutical and industrial applications, and its use in bioprocesses, bioproducts, conversion technologies, sustainable biological recycling and the recovery of environmental resources. Topics covered in Bioengineered include: Bioenergy, biofuels and biodefense Bioengineered therapeutics, devices and drug delivery Biomaterials,biomolecules and Bioprocesses of organic resources Bioremediation, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation Biorefinery Cellular engineering Fate of biological pollutants in the environment Genetic and Molecular Engineering Systems and Synthetic Bioengineering Theoretical and Computational Bioengineering Bioengineered welcomes submissions of original research, reviews, and comments on the latest advances and issues across the field. The journal operates a single anonymous peer review policy.
Rapid industrialization has provided comforts to mankind but has also impacted the environment harmfully. There has been severe increase in the pollution due to several industries, in partic...
The study of metagenomics is an emerging field that identifies the total genetic materials in an organism along with the set of all genetic materials like deoxyribonucleic acid and ribose n...
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