Social Research Foundation
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India's growth in recent years has been led by the service sector. This off shoring trend is certain to continue and India faces the challenge of generating an appropriate supply response to retain its existing advantage. It should be noted that Indian spends a huge amount annually to send their children abroad for higher studies and technical training while there is no reason for India not emerging as a global hub for higher education and technical training. The real challenge therefore, is to expand capacities in Higher Education to keep ahead of the curve of rising domestic and global demand. Social Research Foundation is formed specially to work in the field of Higher Education. Its mission is to improve the quality and standard of higher education. It also strives to maintain an appropriate balance among the tasks of teaching, scholarship and services. For this, Social Research Foundation aims to establish a Research Centre with its own Library, to publish National/International Research Journals, to organize Seminars and Workshops and to provide proper guidelines to research scholars with a wealth of higher education research information. To fulfill above aim Social Research Foundation started publication & distribution of our International Journal “Anthology The Research”, it is a monthly Bi-lingual Multi-Disciplinary peer reviewed International Journal. It has Print ISSN. Author has to send his paper with self Declaration and Recommendation Letter from any expert of related subject.
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