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Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ)

Publisher :

Aarhat Publication and Aarhat Journals

  • Multidisciplinary
e-ISSN :


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Hindi, English, Marathi, Sanskrit



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Journal Descriptions

Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ) is an official journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarly Research Association, India running Association with Aarhat Publication and Aarhat Journals, India. It is an open-access, Refereed, Peer Reviewed online qualitative journal. It publishes original, Refereed, Qualitative, Quantitative scientific outputs. It neither accepts nor commissions third party content. Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ) recognised internationally as the leading peer-reviewed Refereed Multidisciplinary journal devoted to Qualitative & Quantitative publication of original papers. accepts multidisciplinary papers with topics such as: All Fields of Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities ,Science, Management, Engineering, Library and Information Sciences ,Archaeology, Education, Law, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Architecture, Epigraphy, History of science, sociology, psychology, Morphology, Museology, Papyrology, Philology, Preparation/conservation, Religion, Underwater archaeology, English Literature, Geography, Mathematics etc Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ) is now published in English as well as in Hindi & Marathi and it is open for submission by authors from all over the world. It is currently published 6 times a year, in Feb, April, June, August, October, and December.

Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Multidisciplinary , Online Bi-Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN , E-ISSN - 2278-5655, Established in - 2012, Impact Factor - 8.169

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE


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